Cebu: One Claypot House

by - 7:09 PM

Top - Oxygen, Skirt - Online buy
One Claypot House has been on our bucketlist of new Cebu restaurants that we wanted to try. They used to be a tiny restaurant near Capitol with no visible parking area but they moved to this place near Holiday Spa, which appeared to have only a couple parking slots in front but on the right, hidden from immediate view, is actually a much bigger than expected parking space.

First off, the interior was fabulous.
I figured the owner of this place is someone fashionable and artistic. And I was right. The owner (I assume) and his uncle (I think) took our orders and served the food themselves and they were very well-dressed - yes, I noticed. The indoor set-up could probably seat 12-20 guests but they also have a couple tables outside.

The place promotes itself as a fusion of Singaporean and Thai cuisine. We ordered the house specialty, Claypot Rice, and Chicken Wings.
Claypot Rice, P250 for a medium bowl
Claypot Rice was a claypot, duh. Harhar. They served the Claypot Rice and mixed it up for us (I assume so that the bottom portion won't burn). It's a mixture of rice, chicken, pork and some other ingredients. It's supposed to be a Singaporean dish and since I haven't really tried Singaporean cuisine before, I'm not sure about the authenticity. The sauce was sort of salty and sour, I couldn't really understand it. I could only take a few spoonfuls, it didn't help that I didn't have much appetite at this time since I just came out of a sick spell. But the boyfriend didn't really like it either.
Chicken Wings, P150
The menu described the chicken wings as "with yummy sauce." That's a very vague description but we risked it anyway. I'm no food expert but to me, this was fried chicken wings with bagoong (shrimp paste) on top. I personally love anything bagoong - green mangoes with bagoong, kare-kare with bagoong, and bagoong rice.. but this one, I'm sorry, was pretty bad. :( Scooped the sauce off so we could eat the chicken.

However, don't take my word for it. I've read some positive reviews about this place as well. Perhaps I didn't order the right dishes or maybe this type of cuisine just isn't for everyone. Great service and ambiance though. :)

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